Monday, February 7, 2011

Never lose sight of your Beginner Spirit!

Hello everyone!

Today, someone very special in my life shared something very valuable. After picking up my boyfriend from the airport, we were discussing Lance Armstrong and his career on the car ride home. Chris told me about Lance's bike and the quote that is printed on the top tube reading "Never forget your Beginner Spirit." I pondered the meaning of this, and how applicable it is to my personal career as an athlete so far. I think back to the year I started triathlon, the outlook I had on the sport now, and how different things are now. With more experience, and more pressure in competition, I believe that it is easy to occasionally lose sight of the reasons why I started the sport in the first place. I enjoyed the conversation this morning with Chris, and I appreciated him sharing this little piece of wisdom with me. It has been on my mind all day, and it has allowed me to evaluate where I am at now with the sport, and what my outlook is moving forward. With Lance's advice, and Chris's revelation of this quote, I can see how important it is to stay connected with your roots, and never lose sight of them. Sure, Triathlon still brings me a great amount of joy and happiness, and I know that acknowledging the experiences I had as a newbie, will only strengthen my connection with the sport. It forces me to fuse the present with the past, and find an athlete who continues to challenge herself, while smiling and never losing sight of the spirit that launched her triathlon career four years ago.



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