Friday, November 20, 2009

What are you thankful for?

Hi to my followers-

Sorry for the delay on this post!

Recently on a long run (which is one of the many things I am thankful for now- Running pain free!!) I saw a sign outside a church that read "Have you thanked god for your ability to think, see and walk?" I have never been a religious person, but I began thinking about these simple everyday gifts we have been given. In the spirit of the holiday (Thanksgiving and Christmas), I thought I would reflect back on the 2009 year as a whole, acknowledging the various things I am so incredibly thankful for. First of these is family. My mom, dad, and three sisters have been my number one fans in all aspects of my life. From school to triathlon endeavors, their encouragement and support has fueled me through obstacles and allowed me to maintain a clear conscience and realistic outlook on life. Hey, I am only 19 right? My mom, along with many other "older and wiser" training partners and mentors, are always reminding me of this fact. Another thing I can't be thankful enough for is my health. The occasional sniffle and sneeze come along,  and are usually followed by some whining. When I step back to think about just how incredibly fortunate I am to have this body, that month after month responds to a continual beating, I feel terribly foolish for even complaining at all. This incredible place I am living in- Boulder, CO! I am so very thankful to be here in such an amazing place to be a student and an athlete. It is simply the perfect fit and I don't ever see myself leaving. Last, but certainly not least, to all my wonderful friends, you mean the world to me, and I am so thankful to have people like you in my life. Whether I am fortunate enough to see you every week here in CO, or only during holidays (to you east coasters), all the times spent with you are some of my fondest memories. I just know there are many more to come. :)

A quote from the famous John Blaze to leave you pondering what you are thankful for....An ironman finisher who passed in 2005 from ALS, he is an inspiration and a true representation of someone who LIVED his life.

"Live, more than your neighbors. Unleash yourself upon the world and go places. Go now, giggle, go, laugh. Bark at the moon like the wild dog that you are. Understand that this is not  a dress rehearsal. This is it, your life. Face your fears and live your dreams. Take it all in, yes every chance you get."

Until next time-

Who's ready for 2010?!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009



No race reports, or updates on training, but perhaps something even more important(at least to me!) I am beginning to realize that, even harder than training itself is valuing rest and recovery at this time of the year. After going after it for the past months, and having a summer full of excitement and success, my body and mind are telling me to take it easy. This is MUCH harder than I anticipated. However, in order to build a strong base for the 2010 season, I need to be fresh and fired up. Come next racing season, I know my body will thank me. For now, I will be directing my attention towards school, reading the piles of "pleasure" books that I usually have no time for and staying active in new scenery-yoga, hikes etc. This will only last a short while, then time home for Thanksgiving in CT, and back at the daily grind come December. Look for my next post- "Things I am thankful for," around November 26th.

Thanks for reading!
