Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My first bike race!

This past weekend I competed in my first bike race in Boulder. I have been riding now for five years, but there is still a great deal of room for improvement as a bike racer- handling skills, tactics, cornering, efficiency etc.

I spent Wednesday-Friday at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs and had a great week of training with Grant Holicky, Kristen Peterson and Race Swimming. I didn't think the week could get any better, but man was I wrong. Bike racing is FUN!

I was a little nervous and scared headed into the race, because I know crits can be dangerous and I have had friends who have crashed and broken bones.  More than anything though, I was excited. It is pretty cool to do something that scares the heck out of you. If the picture below is any indication, I had an absolute blast riding my bike that day.
How I feel about bike racing- all smiles. Thanks Ryan Wakat for the photo.
The race course was a small loop (about a half mile) in a research park just across the street from my apartment (perfect!). I couldn't help but think about Rhianna's new single "Stay." If you are unfamiliar with the lyrics, listen here.

Anyways, around and around and around we went, and I attacked a few times, and smiled, and thought 
"Holy crap, I love riding my bike!" I don't even know where I ended up at the finish (mainly because I didn't know where the finish was), but everyone started sprinting and I followed.

If there was a conversation between me and my legs during these final few moments it would go like this:

Legs: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? You already sprinted too many times in this race, I do not want to sprint again.

Me: GO LEGS GO! Man up.

Legs: Maybe you should have saved us for the final sprint.

Me: Maybe, but I was getting antsy and attacking is too much fun.

Legs: You learned for next time.

Me: Probably not.

Anyways, I am racing again this weekend in Louisville, and I simply cannot wait! 


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