Friday, July 31, 2009


Good morning!

Woke up today in the mood to express how happy I am that today is Friday. This means one week until Junior Elite Nats- August 8th. I am extremely excited to race, without having to pack up my bike and travel by plane. Just a 90 minute drive down the road will get me there. :) I am anxious to compete at the same venue as last year, after living in altitude for a year. It'll be tough field of the best junior triathletes in the USA, and I am ready to race hard and have fun.

Training has been great. Although the weather has not been cooperative in Boulder ( really weird because we ALWAYS get sunshine) I have been managing to enjoy the winter like crisp air and pouring rain. Nothing like trainer rides! 

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer because it'll be gone before you know it!  Tomorrow is August..can you believe it? I know I am making the most of every minute. 

Keep smiling and have an AWESOME Friday!


Saturday, July 25, 2009

A glance back...

Hey everyone-
This is my first post on my blog. I just made the site a few weeks ago, and in the midst of traveling to race and visit family, as well as training, have been playing around with the gadgets and have finally figured it out! Don't laugh at me for all you computer wizzards!
So far, I have had a very exciting year. The 2009 season was launched with a victory at Collegiate Nationals, April 18th in Lubbock Texas. For those of you who read my race report on Facebook, you have already all heard about the details.

Here is the link to read up on that..

Anyways, Collegiate Nationals was a great trip overall. With all my teammates and my family there cheering me on (besides Emily, my older sister), it was truly the most amazing feeling to have this accomplishment with all their support. From my race report "I am excited to be part of this team in the years to come. The CU Tri team has changed me. This team has made me a better person, and a better athlete, and has made me realize just how amazing life is with special people and an atmosphere filled with love."
I encourage all triathletes to pursue a college experience that involves athletics. Whether it be one of the three disciplines, or maybe even a school where there is a triathlon club similar to University of Colorado. I found that this year went so smoothly, academically and for triathlon ( SO FAR!) because I was able to find a group of students who were experiencing similar daily routines that I was. Fitting in up to four training sessions a day, a 15-20 hour weekly class schedule, trying to find some social life to keep you sane, working...It can get kind of crazy and chaotic! I was able to get organized, use my time wisely, and excel in all aspects of my life. I found my niche!

All for now :)
- JB